Unit 1

Module 1: Activity 1-1

In Mr. de Quiros’ opinion, what is the main difference between education and schooling?

The succeeding paragraphs will tackle the main difference between Education and Schooling according to columnist, Conrad de Quiros.


       Schooling “aims” to “educate” people.  Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Schooling could identify your stature in the society.  It is what you write on your resume when you apply for a job.  It is a credential.  However, there is also a downside to this.  Knowing one’s stature also creates invisible divisions in the society. 

Having said these, sometimes, proper schooling creates arrogant, rude, “uneducated” adults.  Being civilized is not a prerequisite of proper schooling.



       Education could be experienced not just within the four walls of a classroom.  It is not merely a reflection of what authors say on books.  Education is experienced first hand by each person.  We don’t have to pay matriculation to be educated.  It is basically how we relate to the world out there, thus it is the people that we encounter everyday who could tell whether we are educated or not; not our teachers.  There are poor people who are more educated than rich, properly schooled ones.  Education molds the character of a person and not just his academic intellect, unlike schooling.  Education makes people act in a civilized manner.

Do you agree with his opinion? Explain your answer.

       I absolutely agree with Mr. Quiros.  I am pretty certain that I am not the only one who knows a well-schooled person who ended up jobless.  Why is this?  One of the main reasons is because that person was not able to adapt to the world outside the four walls of his school.  Yes, he knows a lot about books written by other people.  Unfortunately, he was not properly educated on how to apply those.  Indeed, these people may have a high regard for themselves for finishing school.  It added up to their “value” in the society.  Unfortunately, they ended up in a stagnated situation because of this “cocky” behavior.  They may not be willing to compromise because they may think that they are better than everybody else who were not able to finish proper schooling.

According to the same article, what is learning?

       Learning could be done anywhere; not just in schools.  According to Mr. Quiros, we learn best through experience.

In what ways can an individual get educated without going to school? Give specific examples.


       I think it would be best to surround ourselves with the right people.  I am not saying that we should screen our friends.  What I am trying to imply is we should let good situations and experiences influence our character. 

       I have a friend who likes to paint.  She is fascinated by it.  Unfortunately, she has no means to enroll in an art class.  She is broke.  But that did not make her stop painting.  She surrounded herself with painters.  She went to art galleries.  She kept painting and improved her strokes.  She asked for tips.  She found out that it is not polite to touch somebody’s paintings.  She learned the proper etiquette when invited to art exhibits. 

Now, though she never had a formal painting lesson, she managed to become a painter.  Other painters recognize her.  They respect not just her work, but her, as a painter and as a person.  She managed to educate herself outside the school premises.

Module 1: Activity 1-2

Gender: Female

Age: 31

Highest Educational Attainment: college graduate

Main reasons for dropping out of school (for those who did):

Skills they learned in school they find useful in their present work:

The basics; such as mathematics, writing.

Technically, none, because she said she changed careers.  She was not able to apply what she learned in the university to her present job.

Skills they learned in outside of school:

Singing, personal relations, teaching

Concept/definition of education and its significance in life:

Education is something we acquire as we live our lives.  There are some who seem very childish in spite of proper education.

Views on nag-aral and may pinag-aralan:

It is good to be enrolled in a school.  But that doesn’t make a person any better than the others.

Gender: male

Age: 31

Highest Educational Attainment: college undergraduate

Main reasons for dropping out of school (for those who did):

He wasn’t able to finish his final thesis. 

He runs his family’s business.  There’s no point of finishing school.

Skills they learned in school they find useful in their present work:

People relations, managing staff

Skills they learned in outside of school:

People relations, managing staff

Concept/definition of education and its significance in life:

Education creates civilized people.

Views on nag-aral and may pinag-aralan:

Just because somebody went to school doesn’t mean he is sure to succeed in life.

Gender: female

Age: 25

Highest Educational Attainment: highschool undergraduate


Main reasons for dropping out of school (for those who did):

She did not like school.  She preferred to sing.


Skills they learned in school they find useful in their present work:


Skills they learned in outside of school:

How to sing;  Human relations;  How to host a party; Entertaining a crowd


Concept/definition of education and its significance in life:

She said education is when people go to school to learn.


Views on nag-aral and may pinag-aralan:

School is not that important.  A lot of graduates she knows are not as rich as she is.  Experience is the best teacher.

Gender: female

Age: 27

Highest Educational Attainment: college graduate


Main reasons for dropping out of school (for those who did):


Skills they learned in school they find useful in their present work:

Computing, programming, troubleshooting


Skills they learned in outside of school:

Personal relations, work etiquette


Concept/definition of education and its significance in life:

Education gives every applicant an edge at work


Views on nag-aral and may pinag-aralan:

Nag-aral: somebody who graduated from school

May pinag-aralan: civilized




Gender: Male

Age: 27

Highest Educational Attainment: college graduate


Main reasons for dropping out of school (for those who did):


Skills they learned in school they find useful in their present work:

Troubleshooting, computing, analysis


Skills they learned in outside of school:

How to be street smart

Concept/definition of education and its significance in life:

Well educated people have more opportunities in the business world.


Views on nag-aral and may pinag-aralan:

Nag-aral: has more credentials but does not necessarily mean likeable people

May pinag-aralan: knows how to respect others

Module 1: Activity 1-3


What does your interview show about education and schooling as “agents for social transformation”?



Indeed, schooling creates professionals.  Having more professionals lead to employment.  Less bums, less crimes.  Better tourism, better economy.  However, it may not guarantee a civilized society.  It may be true that most of the proper schooled people are more refined as compared to those who were not.  They know which utensil to use in a hotel.  They are well informed about the theories made centuries ago.  However, that does not mean that having a diploma could dictate the improvement of a nation.

Based on an interviewee, she chose to drop out of school because she does not see the essence of it.  Proper schooling is not an effective tool for her to learn.  Schools did not cause any changes in her behavior, may it be in cognitive aspect, affective or motor skills. However, she was able to educate herself on a different manner, by experience.

 Schooling does not guarantee change.  It still depends on the learner.  However, it is still an agent or a tool to make self-actualized people.  Most of my interviewees were graduates.  Some utilized their specific courses at work.  Some did not.  I think the bottom line of all these is that schooling fails its purpose to be an “agent for social transformation” if it did not make any effect on the learner.  If the student gained nothing from school, then school ceased its purpose. 

Education on the other hand, has always been more effective to create social transformation, may it be for the good or for the worse.  For some interviewees, education could be equated to experiences.

I think it is fair to say that both education and schooling are agents to transform a nation though they vary in their efficiency, depending on the person/interviewee.

Recall your own experiences as a student. Did these experiences reflect the statement that "schools serve society as agents of cultural transmission and the continuity of the status quo"?(Josefina R. Cortes, 1993).


       I remember having Sibika at Kultura way back in elementary.  It taught me about our society and other country’s culture.  Somehow, I believe, it aimed that my generation should have the right understanding of where we came from.  Unfortunately, I found out that there were some information that may not be factual.  I was told in school that we originally came for Aetas.  This happened to be passed on to our generation.  Until this moment, I am not certain about the reliability of this information.

       It is indeed true that schools are agents of cultural transmission and continuity.  It is a way to pass on heritage to the new generation.  Without it, we will all seem like fatherless children who had no idea where we came from.  Having said all these, our education system should be more keen in knowing what to pass on to the next generations.

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